The St. Williams Conservation Reserve is a special place: Designated as a conservation reserve in 2004 because of its important natural heritage and cultural significance. The natural ecosystems and other special features found here are being protected and restored to sustain biodiversity. These public lands can be explored and enjoyed by the public. The St. […]
Why Was The CR Established? Ontario established the St Williams Conservation Reserve so that: ‘…these tracts will be a flourishing example of extraordinary biological diversity representing their pre-European settlement natural legacy of ecological communities while protecting their unique cultural heritage and providing opportunities for compatible public land uses.’ — SWCR Management Plan 2007 – 2057 […]
The St. Williams Conservation Reserve includes 1035 hectares of Crown land in Norfolk County, Ontario. The Reserve is made up of two separate sites: the Nursery Tract and the Turkey Point Tract. These two tracts are also designated as the E.C. Zavitz Forest and the J. H. White Forest, respectively, in recognition of the two […]