Eastern Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida)
Status in Canada: Endangered
Status in Ontario: Endangered
Status at SWCR: Occasional and Rare at both tracts
Eastern Flowering Dogwood is a small understory tree that produces clusters of showy white flowers in spring.
Quick Facts:
- It occurs only in the Carolinian Forest Zone of southwestern Ontario.
- Because of their flowers, it is commonly used as an ornamental tree in gardens and parks.
- It can be found along the borders of woodlands and in sunny openings within Carolinian forests.
Threats at the St. Williams Conservation Reserve:
Dogwood Anthracnose Fungus: an invasive fungal infection that has drastically reduced populations in Ontario.
Forest Succession: Succession increases shading and reduces habitat suitability for dogwoods, often associated with long-term fire suppression in Ontario woodlands.
Activities that can damage critical Eastern Flowering Dogwood habitat include:
- Vegetation management activities that can crush or destroy plants, herbicide use to control invasive plants, conifer plantation thinning.
- Off-trail recreational activities that can trample plants, or remove them from their habitat, such as trampling, crushing under vehicles, and collecting.
St. Williams Conservation Reserve management practices:
- Population monitoring
- Forest thinning activities
- Enforcement of unauthorized trail use
- Prescribed burns
What you can do to help:
- Follow the code of conduct for recreational activities in the Conservation Reserve and know and respect the current trail-use regulations.
- Report unauthorized trail use or any illegal activity related to plants and wildlife to 1-877-TIPS-MNR (847-7667).
More information:
Species At Risk Public Registry Profile
Ontario Species at Risk Profile