Species at Risk

Species at Risk Sightings Report

Species at Risk Sightings Report

Use this sightings report form to report your observations of Species at Risk or other rare species in the St. Williams Conservation Reserve. The information you provide will be sent to the St. Williams Conservation Reserve (SWCR) Community Council and be shared with the Ministry of Natural Resources but otherwise remain confidential. Reptile-at-risk sightings will also be shared with the Long Point Basin Land Trust’s Conserving Carolinian Reptiles program.

Please use discretion about telling others about the locations of any species that are vulnerable to disturbance. For example, do not give exact locations for at-risk reptiles or nesting sites of rare birds.

Thank you for helping us better protect Species at Risk in the SWCR!

Use the Species at Risk page to help identify species.
Example: on Forestry Capital Trail near Pond, on Front Rd. west of Turkey Point Rd. and adjacent to information sign.

GPS coordinates

Please GPS coordinates if you have them available. The Easting and Northing is the preferred coordinate system

If available.

Sighting description

Example: Red-headed Woodpecker flying across road from north to south.
Maximum upload size: 20.97MB

Observer contact information

I understand and consent that data on Species at Risk sightings provided to the St. Williams Conservation Reserve Community Council will: be shared with MNR-Aylmer and the Natural Heritage Information Centre; and will help to develop strategies to conserve Species at Risk in the St. Williams Conservation Reserve.

Additional information

If you would like to submit additional information or photos, please email us at info@swcr.ca.

About personal information

Personal information collected here is for the purpose of documenting Species at Risk sightings only. The St. Williams Conservation Reserve Community Council does not sell or trade names and personal information.