Nestled deep in the heart of Southern Ontario, the St. Williams Conservation Reserve is 1085 hectares of reclaimed Carolinian forest. In the early 1900’s the settlers had cut down the original forest for timber and the light sandy soil had begun to erode without the tree roots and forest floor holding it in place. The […]
News & Events
We don’t want your weeds!
It’s that time of year again when some people will be looking for somewhere to dispose of your garden green waste. Unfortunately, disposing of garden waste along the roadside near a natural area is one of the main ways that invasive plants are dispersed and spread. Invasive plants create a heap of problems when then […]
Great turn out at the Norfolk Woodlot Owners AGM
The Norfolk Woodlot Owners Association AGM was well attended. Guest speakers Audrey Heagy and Adam Biddle did a fantastic job informing members on the history of The CR and Invasive Species of concern. #InvSpwk
Code of Conduct for St. Williams Conservation Reserve
These guidelines have been adapted from the Ontario Trails Council’s user guidelines for shared-use trails and various county and regional codes of conduct for forest users. General Rules for all SWCR Users Expect and respect other trail users Leave the wildlife for others to enjoy. Do not stress, harass, or chase wildlife. Stay on authorized […]
What Do I Need to Know about Trail Density and Human Usage?
While we’re delighted that individuals and groups are out on trails and experiencing nature’s peace and beauty, the fact is, whether we walk, mountain bike, horseback ride, dirt bike, or ATV, there is an impact on the forest’s vegetation and wildlife. SWCR View It’s important for you to know that based on available research, SWCR […]
Our Goals
Why Was The CR Established? Ontario established the St Williams Conservation Reserve so that: ‘…these tracts will be a flourishing example of extraordinary biological diversity representing their pre-European settlement natural legacy of ecological communities while protecting their unique cultural heritage and providing opportunities for compatible public land uses.’ — SWCR Management Plan 2007 – 2057 […]
Operations Plan
Operations Plan 2009-2018 The first Operations Plan for 2009-2018 defined the St Williams Conservation Reserve Community Council’s priorities and activities needed to meet the five management objectives. Natural Heritage Protection & Restoration 2009-2018 The Community Council’s focus on Natural Heritage during the first operational plan period included: About half of the pine plantations areas have […]
Conservation Actions
The vision for the Reserve is to restore the native ecosystems that existed here more than 200 years ago. We actively manage the ecological communities on the reserve to achieve this goal. All of our practices are based on sound research, expert consultation, and the best management practices available. Click on the management activities below […]
Area at Nursery Tract closed for Vegetation Management starting November 1st 2017
Part of the St Williams Conservation Reserve will be closed for vegetation management work starting November 1st 2017. The area affected by this temporary closure is in the eastern section of the Nursery Tract, on both sides of the 6th Concession Road (see map). For safety reasons, this work area will be closed to all […]
Hunting at SWCR
Hunting is permitted in most parts of the SWCR, according to provincial and federal policy and legislation. All visitors are required to obey posted signs. Always be aware that many other people are using the SWCR. Please review and follow the ‘Code of Conduct for SWCR Users’. Be seen, be safe: wearing hunter orange increases […]