Woodland Vole (Microtus pinetorum) Status in Canada: Special Concern Status in Ontario: Special Concern Status at SWCR: Common This small chestnut-brown rodent has a short tails and is native to the Carolinian life zone. Quick Facts: The SWCR is within the major part of its range: Southwestern Ontario close to lake Erie. It occupies a variety […]
Species at Risk
Virginia Goat’s-rue
Virginia Goat’s-rue (Tephrosia virginiana) Status in Canada: Endangered Status in Ontario: Endangered Status at SWCR: Rare – occurs in only one location This perennial herb has conspicuous pink and yellow flowers above a leafy stem. In Canada, Virginia Goat’s-rue occurs within a very restricted portion of Norfolk County, and the SWCR population it is the only […]
Spotted Wintergreen
Spotted Wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata) Status in Canada: Endangered Status in Ontario: Endangered Status at SWCR: Rare and increasing In Canada, there are only 5 known populations of this low evergreen perennial shrub: four here in Norfolk Country, and one in Niagara County. Quick Facts: The SWCR is home to two out of the five existing populations […]
Monarch Butterfly
Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Status in Canada: Special Concern Status in Ontario: Special Concern Status at SWCR: Very Common This iconic butterfly is easily recognized by the distinctive orange and black patterns on its large wings. Caterpillars have a distinctive look of their own, with bright bands of yellow, black, and white along their bodies and […]
Louisiana Waterthrush
Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla) Status in Canada: Special Concern Status in Ontario: Special Concern Status at SWCR: Rare breeding bird This Medium-sized migratory songbird has a distinctive light stripe above the eye. It nests in the wetland habitats of the SWCR. Quick Facts: In Ontario, it only breeds in the province’s most southern regions. It is […]
Karner Blue
Karner Blue (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) Status in Canada: Extirpated Status in Ontario: Extirpated Status at SWCR: Extirpated This small butterfly has blue wings that measure only 22 to 32 mm across! Males are a brighter blue than females, who make up for it by having bright orange crescents around silver and black spots on their wings. […]
Frosted Elfin
Frosted Elfin (Callophrys irus ssp. Incisalia) Status in Canada: Extirpated Status in Ontario: Extirpated Status at SWCR: Extirpated It gets it’s frosted appearance from a scattering of pale coloured scales on the underside of its wings. The SWCR was home to the last Ontario population, and our efforts are now focused on restoring habitat in the […]
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Eastern Wood-Pewee (Contopus virens) Status in Canada: Special Concern Status in Ontario: Not yet Listed Status at SWCR: Abundant and widespread breeding bird This migratory songbird is common to the Norfolk region, but declining throughout its range. Quick Facts: This songbird has a distinct call: “PEE-a-wee”. It eats flying insects, hunting them from high perches in […]
Eastern Whip-poor-will
Eastern Whip-poor-will (Antrostomus vociferous, or Caprimulgus vociferus) Status in Canada: Threatened Status in Ontario: Threatened Status at SWCR: Common breeding bird It is hard to spot this medium-sized songbird because it nests on the ground and has excellent camouflage. Quick Facts: It eats nocturnal insects and is most active at dusk and dawn. It breeds at […]
Cerulean Warbler
Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulean, or Dendroica cerulea) Status in Canada: Endangered Status in Ontario: Threatened Status at SWCR: Rare breeding bird Cerulean Warbler is a small, insectivorous songbird that nests in mature deciduous forests and can be found in the Nursery Tract during the breeding season. Quick Facts: In Ontario, it breeds primarily in two distinct […]